The annual presentation of trophies followed the AGM on Saturday evening. The leading cross-country pilots of the club, took several of the awards for some great flights from North Hill.
The Devon and Somerset Gliding Club (DSGC) awards a number of trophies each year to club members.
Trophy | Awarded for | Current Holder 2024 |
Brian Master's Trophy | Winner of the Task Week | not awarded |
Dave Fewings Memorial Shield | Best two-seater flight from North Hill | Phil Morrison & Nick Jones |
The Kennedy Trophy | Best performance in a BGA rated competition | Dan Hender |
The Kelsey Plate | Longest cross-country flight from North Hill | Richard Roberts |
Tim Parsons Trophy | Earliest declared and completed flight over 300kms from North Hill | Pete Startup |
The Wily Old Bird | personal presentation by the CFI for guile or cunning | Jill Harmer |
The Rose Bowl | Winner of the Club Ladder (flights from North Hill) | Pete Startup |
The Ken Andrews Trophy | Best flight in a glider with handicap 90 or less from North Hill | Stewart Henshall |
Tim's Challenge Trophy | First O/R to Lasham in a glider with handicap 90 or less from North Hill | not awarded |
Francis Bustard Tankard | Best gain of height | Pete Startup |
Presidents Trophy aka The Norman Whyte Shield |
Best progress | Ashley Thomas |
Instructor of the Year | Member online vote | James Flory |
Les' Tankard | Best contribution to the Club by a Junior member | Tom Gunner |
The Dick Wolff Trophy | Best contribution to the Club by helping others | Dave Perriam |
Des Champ Vachables Trophy | The member who achieved the greatest retrieve epicness | Connor Williams |
Le Magnifique Pissoir | The most flights scoring less than 100pts on the ladder | John Allan |
Mike Fairclough's Diamond Cup | The member who has achieved a Diamond leg | not awarded |