des Champ Vachables Trophy


Des Champ Vachables Trophy

The John Bugbee Memorial des Champs Vachables Trophy.

John Bugbee was a member of DSGC who started gliding at the tender age of 55 and was quickly enthralled by the challenge of cross country soaring. In his 24 years of soaring he collected all three diamonds and an even more impressive collection of field landings. So in honour of John's spirit of adventure, this Trophy is awarded annually to the member who in the pursuit of soaring awesomeness, ended up knee deep in retrieve saga epicness instead.

In 2024, it was awarded to Connor Williams on a good Silver Distance attempt landing near Cerne Abbas in K6 DRE, but with no official record from Flarm.

Year Awarded to:
2024 Connor Williams
2023 James Smart
2022 Dan Hender
2021 not awarded
2020 not awarded (Covid19)
2019 Wyn Davies
2018 Wyn Davies
2017 Ron Johns and Wyn Davies
2016 Team Eagle
2015 Liam Vile
2014 Henry Ford
2013 Liam Vile