Club trophies

2018 Trophy Winners

The annual presentation of trophies followed the AGM on Saturday evening. The leading cross-country pilots of the club,  took several of the awards for some great flights from North Hill.

Read more: Club trophies

Club shop

The Club holds  a stock of various clothes, books etc for members - at the moment these are not available by online shop. You can view the items here, and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange purchase. You can pay by credit/debit card  at the clubhouse or through your flying account.  All items can be personalised to order.

Read more: Club shop

Private Owners

Once you are solo and start thinking about cross-country flying you might also start wondering about the pros and cons of owning your own glider. Here are a few things to think about:

Read more: Private Owners

Cross-country tasks from North Hill

A number of tasks have been created for pilots flying from North Hill, using the BGA National ladder visualisation.

Read more: Cross-country tasks from North Hill