DSGC Charitable Trust - Charity no 1200335

K21 (Colin Wood) with charity logo

Back in the Summer of 2019, a few of us got together to discuss how we could maximise the donations currently being made to DSGC by members and ex-members of the Club.


We decided to apply to the Charity Commission to create a  Registered Charity - "Devon and Somerset Gliding Club  Charitable Trust".  This would be separate from the Club finances, run by Trustees, and be an "umbrella vehicle" for donations that have in the past been generously given to Ian Beckett fund, Matt Wright Memorial Fund, K6 DRE Ian King fund - and these funds remain unchanged.


There are several benefits of being a Registered Charity
•    Gift Aid can be claimed at a rate of 25% for donations made by UK taxpayers
•    Make online purchases via easyfundraising and thousands of brands will make a donation
•    Legacy Gifts that are left in a will to a charity attract Inheritance tax relief
•    Crowdfunding for a Charitable cause attracts  no fee
•    Some large companies offer employee-matched funding schemes



The initial application to the Charity Commission in 2019 was rejected on the grounds that gliding was not considered a sport, and provided no educational benefit. However we made another application in February 2022, concentrating on the "furtherance of education in gliding for the public benefit" .
We are grateful to Sir Chris Coville and Malcolm Humphries for supplying examples of independent expert evidence verifying that the topic of gliding is classed as having sufficient educational merit and is delivered and structured in a way capable of increasing skills, capabilities and understanding.
We are pleased to announce that our application was successful  and was granted Charitable status  on 12 September 2022.

Grant Making Policy

We have created a grant-making policy  to include individuals and / or organisations, please read this before making an application for a grant.



Before we can start giving out grants, we will need to develop some more donations, there will be a mechanism to identify if any large donations are donated for a specific cause.
If you would like to donate, then the account details are Lloyds Bank
Account name: Devon and Somerset Gliding Club Charitable Trust
Sort Code: 30-90-89
Account no: 44887168


Gift Aid

If you are a current UK tax payer, you can boost the amount you donate by 25p for every £1, the charity can make the claim provided you have completed a Gift Aid declaration (pdf)



The Trustees will hold office for 3 years and are currently:

 Chair:   Pete Harmer
 Treasurer:   Sally Hender
 Secretary:    Jill Harmer
 Trustee:   Pete Startup
 Trustee:   Karen King


Please contact any of the Trustees if you have any queries.


Annual General Meeting

Draft Minutes (pdf) of the meeting held on 22 February 2025

2024 Accounts

Minutes (pdf) of the meeting held on 25 February 2024

2023 Accounts

Minutes (pdf) of the meeting held on 26 February 2023

2022 Accounts


Trust status

Funds available

Gift Aid contribution

Easyfundraising contribution
£308.38, (£189.39 pending)

Funds Distributed

last updated 11/3/2025