Club news 2020s

Extracts from S&G February 2020 to date


February 2020 - March 2020

Congratulations to Alex Schmarsel on being sent solo and to Henry Ford on passing his Bronze written exam. Members October expeditions provided some different soaring and gliding for members. A group of six junior members, with instructors and mentors, spent the half-term week at Midland Gliding Club in Shropshire. They took a DG-505 and the K-6 DRE single-seater. The more-experienced juniors, who had flown at Long Mynd last year, enjoyed some good flights in the K-6, whilst those visiting for the first time started to build their hours in the two-seater. Earlier in the month, members travelled to Denbigh GC and enjoyed some great wave to over 10,000ft, and on one exceptional day climbed to nearly 20,000ft. Others visited the Scottish Gliding Centre at Portmoak and flew most days. Our thanks to all hosts

Jill Harmer


April 2020 - May 2020

Thanks to the Chairman Nick Jones for being particularly active at spotting good weather days. There have been some , sunny, winter days, sometimes with aerotow only and when the airfield could cope, with the winch. The simulator has been well used on inclement days.
Congratulations to all the DSGC Trophy winners, after the AGM, with most of the usual pundits sharing the cross-country honours and Pete Bennett making his first appearance. Team Hender were voted for best contribution by a member poll, and the best progress award was shared between Emma Kendall, Mark Worsfold and Dan Hender. The member vote for best Instructor went to Pete Harmer.

Jill Harmer


June 2020  July 2020

The almost instant change from wet field, low cloud and howling winds to lockdown has caused great disappointment for members. Prior to the Club stopping flying, there were a couple of pleasant days with some soaring. The Juniors held a trailer washing day to support their planned Junior expedition  to Long Mynd in October. At time of writing, we look forward for a return to  normality, and in the meantime enjoying the BGA webinars and practice with Condor.

Jill Harmer


August 2020  September 2020

As soon as we were allowed, the DSGC return to flying started with solo flights for those who met with CFI approval, and just a couple of 'same households' benefitting from the two-seater rule. Initially, everyone stayed local, and then the super cross-country weather enabled some good tasks to be set with really high cloudbases. Ad-hoc days were called where possible and many thanks to those members for running the operation but still unable to  fly yet. Meanwhile the Condor on-line racing group has been building some useful experience for those who haven't yet enjoyed real solo or cross-country flying. BGA webinars and the FRTOL course have been supported well by DSGC members - many thanks to those who organised them.

Jill Harmer


October 2020  November 2020

Solo pilots took advantage of the high cloudbases after lockdown and gathered Silver heights a plenty for Mike Harris, James Smart, Tim Petty, Josh Funnell and David Cowley. The 500Km days saw John Burrow finally get his 3rd Diamond after a wait of something like 40 years. Andy Davy and Eric Alston claimed Diamond Goal. Paul Medlock completed his Silver at the second attempt at 5 hours.
As soon as the 2-seater training / check flights resumed, there were first solos for Ashley Thomas, Charlie Broderick and a resolo for Dave Perriam.

Jill Harmer


December 2020  January 2021

Commercial Pilot members who  have come back to gliding  have been making progress, with Stewart Henshall and Tim Butler both resoloing on their respective Summer Courses. James Smart completed his Bronze, and has been coaching on the FRTOL courses, whilst Stewart has been leads the Condor racing sessions.
We ran three summer courses, with a mixture of members and new members. Normal club  two-seater training resumed in October following nearly 3 months of restricted booked training slots.
The Autumn Denbigh expedition was shortened  by the Welsh lockdown, with the Long Mynd and Portmoak expeditions cancelled . - but a Juniors week was planned for Half term.
A marquee is providing some additional socially-distanced space for groups of six.

Jill Harmer


February 2021  March 2021

Members maximised good weather in October staying current and converting to other gliders. The last day before national lockdown was one of the busiest non- soaring days we've seen. Congratulations to Mark Wallis for completing his Cross-Country Endorsement,
November's lockdown saw a rise in Condor Racing, with  various Alpine tasks led by Stewart Henshall. Local North Hill flights on Sunday evening also proved popular with Stewart also leading expeditions to Denbigh, Long Mynd and Nympsfield.  Members have been achieving Silver, Gold and Diamond badges in Condor. Congratulations to Dan Hender for a good performance in the Junior Gliding e-Winter Series on Condor, and to Stewart in the Norwegian Cup.

Jill Harmer


April 2021  May 2021

We made the most of the flyable days in December to get as many members flown and current as possible,  including a welcome return by Liam Vile who resoloed.
 Lockdown 3 saw another increase in  Condor Racing, with mountain  tasks in a variety of countries led by Stewart Henshall. The regular local North Hill flights on Sunday afternoon /  evening also proved very popular. Stewart  and Dan Hender are competing in various Condor competitions and providing lead and follow and spectator coaching on Condor. This will hopefully lead to more cross-country pilots at the Club. The sun is always shining in Condor.

Jill Harmer


June 2021  July 2021

More members have joined the regular Condor Races during the lockdown with flights in many countries around the world. The local tasks also included visits to Denbigh, Nympsfield and along the  South coast. Some pilots are now also joining in with the Condor Cafe and Virtual Soaring Club flights. Congratulations to Dan Hender for winning the UK Junior e-Winter Series, and to Stewart Henshall and Dan for good performances in the Condor World Cup.
Instructor Recency flying and solo flying for current pilots has now resumed at North Hill with thanks to our local skeleton ground crew members. We're looking forward to getting all our members back in the air.

Jill Harmer


August 2021  September 2021

Our Summer courses have been snapped up, new members are training and trial lessons resumed in June. Early Cross-country flying has included tasks to Cornwall, Dorset and Wiltshire. A good clutch of Silver Heights and Duration, Bronze  and Cross-country Endorsements have been claimed amongst the return to currency flying. Andy Batchelor resoloed after 27 years away from gliding, having returned to the sport last Autumn  when son Josh joined the Club. Our new Launch Control is now in operation - designed, manufactured and kitted out by members.

Jill Harmer


October 2021  November 2021

There was a trio of first solos for Mike Meatyard, Josh Batchelor and Sam Slattery on the early July course – Congratulations to all. James Smart has become our first IFP and along with the Instructor Team, we are starting to make some headway with our outstanding trial lessons. We welcome some new members who have joined after taking  a trial lesson. Our first expeditions have resumed to Camphill  for the Vintage Rally and Milfield for Competition Enterprise with Team Eagle and DD3. Many thanks to Keith Vinning and Ashley for upgrading the NHL Flarm Receiver Ground station to Pilot Aware system.

Jill Harmer


December 2021  January 2022

Congratulations to Junior members  Josh Batchelor for converting to the Junior and Dan Hender for Cross-Country Endorsement. Stewart Henshall made swift progress to resolo, and passed Bronze endorsement. Robert Lee, Chris Warnes and Josh Funnell have joined the IFP ranks to help our Instructors. Many thanks to Mike Groves from Skylaunch for helping us get the winch back up and running quickly. Many members made use of the reduced-price aerotows,whilst the winch was out.  
Team Eagle and DD3 competed in the Two-Seater Competition at Pocklington , with Team Eagle retaining the best wood trophy (with help from guest pilot Mike Armstrong) and DD3 came 4th overall.

Jill Harmer


February 2022  March 2022

Congratulations to Andy Broderick (solo). Another successful half-term Junior expedition to Long Mynd, taking the DG505, Junior and K6DRE  and 8 of our more experienced juniors. Our AGM was held in a hangar to improve the social distancing. There were updates on various ongoing projects, committee elections and thanks to all our volunteer members. Trophies were awarded and another fantastic feast was cooked by John Pursey.  A raffle was very well supported to raise funds for the running costs of K6DRE for our juniors to fly at no cost.
 The upgraded simulator had its first airing, with members queuing up to try it out.

Jill Harmer


April 2022  May 2022

A quiet period of weather over the winter, many days with high humidity and low cloud over the Blackdown Hills. A couple of good training and currency days in January enable Andy Broderick and Mike Meatyard  to convert to the Junior. On the fourth attempt, the Eurofox 140hp demonstrator managed to fly over for the Club to evaluate its towing performance at North Hill.DSGC and other Clubs have provided input to Exeter Airport on its new proposals for airspace.

Jill Harmer


June 2022  July 2022

An unusually quiet start to the soaring season but despite poor weather ,congratulations Stewart Henshall and Hans Jenssen (Silver heights), with Andy Davey a Diamond height at Lleweni Parc. We held a day of BI training for Dartmoor Instructors. Following a trial of the new EuroFOX  915iS, an SGM was called for the members to vote on the purchase. We'll now run the EuroFOX alongside the Pawnee for an extended trial. Our first social evening for a long while was  an audience with Sir Chris Coville, with his usual Liverpudlian wit, alongside a book launch. The field levelling team have completed the next 10 acres.

Jill Harmer


August 2022  September 2022

The Portmoak expedition enabled both Dan Hender and James Smart to complete 5 hours. Dan's finished his Silver with a 50Kms flight into Dorset. Stewart Henshall has been busy with Cross-country endorsement, Silver Distance and a fast 100km Diploma. James Flory is now an FI(S) TMG and James Smart FRTOL  Examiner. Leading the latest group of juniors,  Connor Williams has soloed - Congratulations to all. The club held the first Group sessions for 2 years starting with  20 Aerospace Students from Exeter College. There was also a trip to the seaside by the Club DG505 in April  - that's the first time the weather has cooperated since 2016. To celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, a fabulous beacon was lit on the west ridge of the Blackdown Hills.

Jill Harmer


October 2022  November 2022

Kevin Fairburn has gone solo, and Andy Pincombe resolod after a break and change of club.
Competition Enterprise at Long Mynd gave DD3 some cross-country flights-  well done to Phil Morrison and P2s for finishing 10th. Stewart Henshall completed his Silver Badge with a 5 hour flight on the day of the Club members party   beer was waiting! The following week  it was a well earned 300km flight.
DD3, 230 and K6cr took part in Sid's Task Week and Dan Hender in the Juniors' K6 DRE completed his 100km diploma with a fast 229kms flight. - Congratulations all. Group evenings and Trial lessons are proving popular alongside normal club flying.

Jill Harmer


December 2022  January 2023

Congratulations to  Ella Penny, Rob Hender and Julian West for their first solo, and Dave Perriam and John Borland who both did their 5 hour flights on the same day. Our Summer Course weeks have been very popular, with just the September course unusually suffering with bad weather. Dan Hender had a great time flying different high-performance gliders in the two-seater training at Junior Nationals.
Two Eagles and Duo-Discus went to Pocklington for the two-seater comp. Private gliders visited Portmoak, and a smaller contingent went to Denbigh enjoying some ridge and Diamond days.  The CFI badge of office has changed hands from Stu Procter  (after six years) to Mark Courtney.

Jill Harmer


February 2023  March 2023

Another three solos at North Hill, on the same day! Congratulations to  Emma Flory, Mike Rigby  and Stuart Thomson. Dan Hender took part in Juniors Winter Series at Long Mynd, followed by another trip to  Long Mynd by several private owners. Our latest section of airfield levelling has benefitted from the incessant rain. We've started construction a club glider trailer shelter. At the AGM, the Club was described by the chairman as 'thriving'.  Trophies were awarded  with Stewart Henshall taking the Presidents Trophy for Best Progress. The gathering was used to kick start our new DSGC Charitable Trust. Plans for Competition Enterprise in July are coming together.

Jill Harmer


April 2023  May 2023

Dire weather over the winter months has put a dip in Club finances, but spring-like temperatures have lifted spirits and produced a rush to refresh currency.
Congratulations to James Smart who has progressed from IFP to BI.
The side-views on the Club Simulator have been greatly improved by our technical wizz Stewart Henshall with some help from Portmoak. Meanwhile the DSGC Condor racing team has been growing in numbers with regular local tasks, and competitions.
Construction of the new Club glider trailer shelter is moving on apace. Places on our Summer courses have been filling up well as have entries for the 50th Anniversary of Competition Enterprise.

Jill Harmer


June 2023  July 2023

A very wet March and the Pawnee on Annual has limited flying on many days.
Pete Startup managed a rare Winter's day flight across the Somerset levels in February, and Club gliders visited Tiverton  in  some great cloud streeting.
The Club Simulator has been further improved  by Stewart Henshall with a new Trim and Wheel Brake, and more Instructors are realising the benefits of using Condor for some training exercises. Meanwhile the regular Tuesday evening DSGC Condor tasks are being streamed live.
Several members have passed FRTOLs with James Smart FRTOL Examiner.

Jill Harmer


August 2023  September 2023

Spring seemed to fluctuate between southwesterly wind/floods and northeasterly wind/parched ground at North Hill. In between we grabbed the opportunities to fly, but very few days with potential for cross-country flying. We got to be experts in removing wet/dry grass from the K21 wheelboxes.
Well done to Simon Jordy who has resolo'd in a glider some 20 years after last instructing at North Hill, despite being a regular Tuggie.
Expeditions to Portmoak and Denbigh also gave some reasonable but mixed weather. A long weekend to Brentor in their famous northeasterly failed to bring out the wave. But thanks as always to all our hosts

Jill Harmer


October 2023  November 2023

Congratulations to Chris Gill who was the clear winner of both classes of 50th Anniversary of Competition Enterprise at North Hill this year. Pete Warren was awarded a BGA Diploma for services to gliding, he has been a Tug Pilot at every Comp Ent held at North Hill.
Well done to our Juniors - Dan Hender has become an IFP, and Connor Williams Cross-country endorsement.
Congratulations also to first solos Nicholas Johnson and John Davies.
The Club took the DG505 for a popular static display for the 80th Anniversary event at Dunkeswell, which is where DSGC originated in 1953.

Jill Harmer


December 2023  January 2024

The weather hasn't provided the cross-country season we had hoped for, but we've fitted in a including 3 Summer Courses.
We congratulate Juniors Jake Stabb (16yrs ) and Joel Roulson (14yrs) for their first solos.
Dan Hender (18yrs) achieved 20th out of 42 at the Junior Nationals at Gransden Lodge.
Stewart Henshall came 15th out of the Condor pilots in the FAI Virtual Grand Prix in Italy.
Expeditions to Portmoak , Long Mynd and Denbigh also provided some good conditions. North Hill cafe has temporarily closed as Graham and Cheryl have decided to enjoy retirement. And our new Eurofox arrived ready for tug pilot training and introduction to the Club fleet.

Jill Harmer


February 2024  March 2024

Amongst the rain, low cloud and gales of the autumn , we have had a few decent days and the emphasis has been on keeping currency. Our Tug Pilots are all familiarising themselves with the new EuroFox and members are getting checked out on the back.
Well done to James Flory who has progressed to Full Cat Instructor, and to Dan Hender for being selected for the 2024 British Development Squad after his great , first-time performance in the Junior Nationals.
Our Club Simulator has had an upgrade to force feedback and is being integrated into the training syllabus. We welcomed new caterers to North Hill cafe following retirement of Graham and Cheryl.

Jill Harmer


April 2024  May 2024

At the AGM, there was the usual thanks to all our volunteers, and the club was described by the chairman as "thriving".  Following the AGM, the Trophies were awarded  to the usual pundits, with Dan Hender taking the Presidents Trophy for Best Progress.
Several Junior members are to be congratulated with Dan selected for the British Development squad,  Joel Roulson picking up the trophy for best contribution by a Junior member, and Lily Sanders-Page being awarded the BWPA Flying Start scholarship.
Our President Mike Fairclough presented a new Trophy for Diamond legs awarded to Stewart Henshall.
For the first time in a long while, the longest flight trophy from North Hill was limited to a 300km flight distance (Pete Startup of course).
Our new EuroFOX is being integrated into club flying, and some better weather for the 2024 soaring season is hoped for.

Jill Harmer


June 2024  July 2024

Not  a lot of real flying in the early spring as the rain continues to waterlog most of the airfield at North Hill.
Only a few days have been possible, and CFI Mark Courtney  arranged a day at nearby Dunkeswell aerodrome with the Eurofox towing.
Dan Hender enjoyed some Lasham weather for his Junior Development training weekend. A GASCO Safety evening was well-supported by members.
The Club simulator (with the new force feedback) is doing a great job in keeping members practising skills.

Jill Harmer


August 2024  September 2024

Congratulations to Simon Jordy and Dave Perriam for joining the Basic Instructor team.
The Women Go Gliding  weekend had one good day of flying with 15 women taking trial flights and several indicating they will be back.
Pete Startup completed the earliest 300kms flight from North Hill on the 20th May - must be one of the latest ever!
Expeditions to Denbigh and Portmoak  gave a good mix of thermals, ridge and challenging wave.

Jill Harmer


October 2024  November 2024

Congratulations to junior member Tom Gunner for his first Solo,  and to Gill Morrison for resoloing after a teenager-sized break.  Well done also to Shaun Dayman for joining the Basic Instructor team.
Dan Hender was successful at Competition Enterprise winning the Blunt Nails Trophy with highest placed pure glider, with Junior Nationals next on his list.
Alongside our normal group evenings we also entertained a group from Halburton Beavers and Cubs  and Dunkeswell and Exeter Aircraft spotters.

Jill Harmer


December 2024  January 2025

Congratulations to juniors Luke Stabb and Harry Rigby for their first solos,  and to Alan Rappaport for resoloing after a 30 year break.  Well done also to Andy Pincombe for completing his FI(S) and joining the Instructor team.
Dan Hender enjoyed 15th place (out of 47) at the Junior Nationals, and JZK was placed 4th overall at the Two-Seater competition with Mike Armstrong providing two-seater coaching to Shaun Dayman and Connor Williams.
There was a club expedition to Brentor with the K21 and EuroFOX providing a few aerotows.
We had some interesting large visitors on a migration route on 17th August - a muster of  White Storks was thermalling over North Hill.

Jill Harmer


February 2025  March 2025

Amongst the low cloud, fog, rain and gales, there have been some very pleasant flying days in late autumn, with that sparkling crystal-clear Devon air - more flyable days would be appreciated.
There was a Friday expedition to Brentor with members using the DGS gliders and offering aerotows with our EuroFOX. Thank you to our hosts, for another enjoyable day giving our members new views and experiences.
We held a very successful fireworks and social evening with proceeds to DSGC Charitable Trust. At the AGM, there was the usual thanks to all our member volunteers, whilst real flying has suffered from the reduced number of operating days this year.  Following the AGM, the trophies were awarded  to existing (and  a few new) pundits, with Ashley Thomas taking the Presidents Trophy for Best Progress.

Jill Harmer