Exeter Airspace Change Proposal

All the information about Exeter Airport ACP in one place. see Latest info below

CAP 725 Process

The Exeter Airport Airspace Change Proposal (ACP) (pdf)  for consultation published 9 March 2017
The DSGC response to the Exeter ACP (pdf) submitted 8 June 2017
The BGA response to the Exeter ACP (pdf) submitted 2 June 2017
The Devon Strut response to the Exeter ACP
Exeter Airport ACP Aviation Consultation Stakeholder Report (pdf) published 26 July 2017
Exeter Airport CAS redesign discussed at Local Engagement meeting on 14 August 2017

The DSGC response (2) to CAS redesign (includes Exeter LoA) (pdf) submitted 8 September 2017
The BGA response (2) to CAS redesign (pdf) submitted 11 October 2017
The Devon Strut response (2) following Local Engagement meeting 4 October 2017 submitted 24 October 2017
The DSFT response (2) folowing Local Engagement meeting 14 August 2017


The final Exeter Airport Airspace Change Proposal (ACP) pdf submitted to CAA 15 December 2017
The DSGC letter to CAA SARG (pdf) 11 February 2018
Operational Assessment by CAA (pdf) 23 March 2018
Exeter Airspace Change Decision CAP1654 (pdf) 18 April 2018

DSGC welcomes the CAA decision to reject the Exeter ACP, and would like to thank all those who contributed to this result, in particular Geoff Lawrence, Jill and Pete Harmer. - Nick Jones, DSGC Chairman


All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation (APPG-GA) DSGC submission  for the Inquiry into Lower Airspace (pdf) 30 October 2018

Press Release BBC Inside Out South West


CAP 1616 process

CAA website Exeter Airport

Exeter Airport Statement of Need (pdf) 22 June 2018
CAA Assessment Meeting Agenda (pdf) 8 March 2019
Exeter Airport Assessment Meeting  Presentation (pdf) 8 March 2019
Exeter Airport Assessment Meeting Minutes (pdf) 8 March 2019

Exeter Airport Design Principles Stakeholder Questionnaire (pdf)
DSGC responses to Design Principles Stakeholder Questionnaire (pdf) (submitted 28 May 2019)
Annex 1 DSGC Design principles (pdf)
Annex 2 DSGC response to ACP1 (8 June 2017) (pdf)

Exeter Airport Design Principles Stakeholder Review v2 (pdf) 22 July 2019
DSGC response to Design principles Stakeholder Review (pdf) submitted 1 August 2019
DSGC response to Design principles Stakeholder review supplementary questions (pdf) submitted 6 September 2019

Design Principles Report Issue 2 (pdf) published 5 November 2019

Airspace4All Strawman paper - Flexible Use Airspace  (pdf) published 24 October 2019

DSGC to EDAL - Step 1b process failures (pdf) 19 February 2020,  EDAL response 28 February 2020

DSGC to CAA - Objection to Define Gateway (pdf) 19 February 2020, CAA response 12 March 2020

Flybe in Administration 5 March 2020

Covid19 Lockdown 24 March 2020
ACP Portal Status Paused 6 May 2020

"Due to the restrictions on movement of people, and the non-availability of many of our key stakeholders, we are pausing our ACP. Thank you to all of our stakeholders and neighbours for your continued interest in our proposals; we hope to re-engage with you all in due course".

 Step 2a

EDAL notification of Stage 2 restart (pdf) 9 September 2021
DSGC to EDAL after ACP resumption and Annex 1 (pdf) 12 October 2021
EDAL_Design Options (8Mb, pdf) 19 November 2021
DSGC to EDAL response to Design Options (2Mb, pdf) 17 December 2021

CAA Develop and Assess gateway outcome (pdf) 1 April 2022

CAA Develop and Assess gateway outcome (pdf) 16 September 2022

Update 21 November 2022

Until iteration three of the airspace change masterplan, including the updated programme plan has been assessed and accepted by the CAA and Department for Transport as co sponsors of airspace modernisation, the full indicative timeline for this ACP cannot be confirmed. The Gateways within the published document 'Indicative Timeline - November 2022' are subject to change.

Update 4 April 2023

The CAA has completed the Develop and Assess Gateway Assessment and is not satisfied that the change sponsor has met the requirements of the Process up to this point. The CAA does not approve progress to the next Step. Further explanation for this decision is contained in the published document 'Develop & Assess Gateway Outcome- March 2023'.

In accordance with direction 5(1) of the Civil Aviation Authority (Air Navigation) Directions 2017 (as amended), the CAA is not satisfied this airspace change proposal up to this stage has demonstrated that it is in accordance with the CAA’s Airspace Modernisation Strategy (CAP 1711), including Iteration 2 of the UK Masterplan that has been accepted into it.

 Update 1 August 2023

The CAA has completed the Develop and Assess Gateway Assessment and is not satisfied that the change sponsor has met the requirements of the Process up to this point. The CAA does not approve progress to the next Step. Further explanation for this decision is contained in 'Develop & Assess Gateway Outcome- July 2023'.


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